
We're excited to introduce you to Gum Karaya, a standout product in our portfolio. Ethically and sustainably sourced, our Gum Karaya is a testament to our commitment to quality and exceptional customer service. It shines as a thickener, stabilizer, and binder in the food industry. Its unparalleled water-absorbing capacity also makes it a top choice in dietary formulations and bulk laxatives. With such versatility, Gum Karaya is reshaping standards in the food and pharmaceutical sectors while finding new applications in others.

Origins and Harvesting

Gum Karaya, also known as Sterculia gum and a popular replacement for Gum Tragacanth, is a complex polysaccharide exudate obtained from trees of Sterculia urens. Found predominantly in the dry regions of India, this gum has been recognized for its varied applications across several industries. In the food sector, it often acts as a thickening agent, stabilizer, or emulsifier. Additionally, it finds usage in the pharmaceutical industry, especially in laxative formulations, due to its bulking properties. With a unique blend of physical and chemical characteristics, Gum Karaya stands as a significant natural polymer, and its relevance continues to be recognized in contemporary applications.

Chemical Properties and Solubility

Karaya has a slightly acetous odor and taste. Its powder is light gray to pinkish gray. Cost is based on color and purity. There is no distinct correlation between viscosity and grade. Where viscosity is important, the powdered Karaya should be used within six months after processing because its viscosity decreases with age.

Karaya is one of the least soluble of the gums. It does not dissolve in water to give a clear solution but absorbs water rapidly to form a viscous colloidal solution at low concentrations.